3 B Unit 10 Food and drink / Songs and language games

Publikoval Petra Wernischová
Datum 3.10.2023
3 B Unit 10 Food and drink / Songs and language games

Unit 10/Lesson 3, 4, 5, 6:/ Sb. 100-103

- I read about the food at school cantneen/ lunchroom

- I answer the questions:

Do you like? Máš rád? Yes, I do. No, I don´t. I don´t know.

Would you like? Dal/a by sis? Yes, please. No, thanks. 

- I sing the song

- I can read new words woth -o-

Let´s play language games and sing:

wordwall: singular, plural, no plural Zde rozlišujeme slova, která mají jednotné i množné číslo, a slova, která nemají množné číslo, nemají člen, jsou nepočitatelná

Bamboozle Unit 10/ lesson 4 Zde hodnotíme jídlo:

It´s nebo They are: 

- great, so good, delicious, yummy, 

- not very nice, horrible, terrible, gross, disgusting

I really don´t like it, sorry.


bamboozle / What´s this? What are they? Zde opět rozlišujeme jednotné a množné číslo

bamboozle Unit 10/ Lesson 3,4,5


one potatoe, two potatoes, three potatoes, more



supersimplesongs/do you like pickle pudding

do you like spaghetti yogurt


American Kids try school lunches from around the world

American kids try breakfast from around the world