9.AC AjMa 1. - 5. 2.

Datum 2.2.2021
9.AC AjMa 1. - 5. 2.

Unit 7

Tento týden pokračujeme v rozprávění o všelijakých aplikacích, zařízeních a vychytávkách.

Tuesday 2nd February ( Groundhog Day) - ONLINE

There's an app for that!?! - student's book p. 117

Speaking: What apps do you use every day? What's the most useful gadget or app? What is the least useful?

Listening and learning new vocabulary: SB 117/4

Pair work: SB 117/5

link for listening (track 96,97): https://eltngl.com/sites/impact/student-resources/british-english/level-1/students-book-audio


Wednesday 3rd February - ONLINE

Game: Describe the tool/ app/ gadget

Grammar: WB 71/3 - superlatives

Reading, writing, giving reasons: WB 71/4


Thursday 4th February - INDIVIDUAL WORK

Reading and writing: WB 72,73

You can cooperate or work individually, we will check your answers next week.


Keep smiling :-)